World Organization for Music and Arts Education

ao. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Richard Trappl
Austrian Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Vienna
Lecturer at the Department of East Asian Studies/Sinology, University of Vienna
Board Member of the World Association of Sinology (Beijing)
Board Member of the Austrian-Chinese Legal Society
Member of the Advisory Board of EPU (Eurasia-Pacific Uninet)
1951: Born in Vienna
1962–1970: Attended Realgymnasium 1, Stubenbastei, graduated with Matura
1970–1971: Military service, Austrian Armed Forces
1971: Began studies at the University of Vienna: German Studies, English Studies
From 1973: Added Sinology as a field of study
1974–1975: Chinese language studies in Beijing (Beijing Language Institute)
1978: Earned a Ph.D. (Dr. phil.) at the University of Vienna
Lecturer for Chinese and University Assistant at the University of Vienna
Lecturer for Chinese at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
Assistant Professor at the Department of Sinology, University of Vienna
2003: Habilitation in Sinology
2003–2017: Associate Professor of Sinology at the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Vienna
1997–2011: University Representative for China, University of Vienna
Since 2016: Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Vienna
Visiting Professorships:
Erasmus Short-Term Visiting Professor at Charles University, Prague
Visiting Professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University, China
Visiting Professor at the Central University for Nationalities, Beijing
Since 2011: Honorary Professor at the Chinese University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, and at Changchun University
Since 2006: Teaching (China Seminar) at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna
Current Roles:
Austrian Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Vienna
Lecturer at the Department of East Asian Studies/Sinology, University of Vienna
Board Member, World Association of Sinology (Beijing)
Board Member, Austrian-Chinese Legal Society
Advisory Board Member, EPU (Eurasia-Pacific Uninet)
2008–2014: Participant in the "Europe-China Cultural Dialogue" (EUNIC: European National Institutes of Culture – CNAA: Chinese National Academy of Arts), nominated by the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
2012: Speaker at the European Economic and Social Committee – China Dialogue (Hangzhou, China)
Guest Lectures:
Delivered in China, USA, Russia, Japan, Canada, Brazil, New Zealand, Mauritius, Portugal, Germany, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, and others. Since 1974, numerous visits to China and other East Asian countries for research, academic collaboration, and teaching.
Rosthorn Medal (2006)
Grand Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria (2011)
John Rabe Award (2013)
Research and Teaching Focus:
Classical and modern Chinese literature
Chinese literary theory
Studies on intercultural relations between China and the West